I think this movie is so exciting because Tom Cruise
who is a main actor acts boldly. It is difficult for me to act boldly like him.
Here, I want to write not only movie contents but also Tom Cruise himself.
This movie,
Mission impossible 1 was broadcasted at 1996. Short to say, this movie is
American spy action film. This movie series are about 20 year anniversary so I
am glad to this. And now, This movie series are not only Mission impossible 1,
but Mission impossible 2 (broadcasted at 2000) and Mission impossible 3 ghost
protocol (broadcasted at 2011). I am looking forward to watch next series of
Mission impossible. I expect to be broadcasted next story of MI3 at the same
time 20 year anniversary.
Next, I
want to write about this movie’s story. Mission impossible 1 is able to be
called these movie series of introductory chapter. Ethan Hunt, acted by Tom
cruise is Impossible Mission Force of CIA and he or his members are spy special
agent. But Mission of Counter Intelligence at Brach, All members who except of
Ethan Hunt were killed by riddle organization. He survived but be doubted as
secret informer. So to seek betrayer of IMF is to clear his doubtful and is his
purpose, too.
I think this
movie concludes a lot of mutual trick element. But spy action movie is necessity
of deceiving action so it is natural to be contained that. If you like mutual
trick movie, it is interesting that you can also compare this and another movie
I think.
Tom Cruise who
acted Ethan Hunt is top of Hollywood actor I think. His expression skill is so
ample and variety. It is no limited for this series of movie, I want to watch a
lot of movie he performed.
(304 / 3390 words)
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